2023 Literature Catalog and Order Form Available Now

Images of catalog and order form

Our OA literature serves two purposes: 1) bringing hope for continued recovery to both our members and those who still suffer and 2) aiding in creating revenue for the WSO so that we may further carry the message of OA. In that vein, as announced in November 2022, Overeaters Anonymous has made necessary increases in price of both literature and shipping, effective January 1, 2023. Raising prices was not an easy decision, but the pressure rising costs of paper, shipping, and postage has became too acute to ignore.

OA remains committed to our primary purpose of carrying the message of recovery to those who still suffer, and our literature is an essential Tool for carrying out that purpose. You’ll see in the updated OA catalog that OA literature is available in multiple formats: print, e-book, PDF download, print-on-demand, and audiobook. Some formats, such as e-books, do not have a shipping cost. The WSO is adding new e-books to our online platforms on an ongoing basis—most recently, the pamphlet To the Man and Voices of Recovery, Second Edition.

Let your literature person know that the new OA Literature Catalog and Order Form are now available for download in the Document Library at oa.org under category “Literature.” Both the Catalog and Order Form give the most current prices for literature and other items sold through the OA bookstore, and the Catalog includes helpful descriptions of each item.

You can also OA literature online at bookstore.oa.org. Bookstore product pages include links to third-party vendors authorized to sell our literature.